A new way to use ResultsResourcing

Do It Yourself

With our DIY Option, you can search our internal pool of highly skilled, invite-only virtual freelancers. Invite candidates to bid on your job and review submitted proposals, then select the freelancer best suited to your job.

Our DIY Option is a good choice when:

  • Your project requires lower-level skills.

  • You have time to search and evaluate profiles.

  • You’re confident you can identify the right person.

  • Your ideal fit is easier to find or has a less critical role in the project.

An illustration showing a monitor with freelancer profiles displayed, alongside a zoomed in version showing a freelancer profile with checks to indicate they meet job requirements and a speech bubble of the freelancer introducing themselves.
DIY  Option

How it works

An icon representing a Job Profile web page with a checkmark over top.

Sign up to create a highly effective Job Profile using our robust Job Profile questionnaire.

Identify your needs—from hard and soft skills to software requirements and budget, and everything in-between. Our Job Profile format has been prepared with decades of hiring expertise to ensure you attract the right freelancers.

Pay the $150 DIY Search Fee to post your job. Interested freelancers can then submit proposals to your project.

An icon showing a magnifying glass hovered over one of three freelancers.

Be proactive and search our Internal Pool of invite-only, pre-vetted freelancers. Use our filters to find candidates with the skills and expertise you need at the budget you can afford.

Review freelancer profiles to learn more about their experience and skill sets.

An icon of an open envelope with an invitation visible. This represents your ability to invite freelancers to bid on your job.

Invite freelancers to bid on your job who seem to be a good fit for your project.

‍Interested freelancers will submit a proposal for your review.

An icon representing a job profile document of an ideal freelancer.

Review proposal submissions from freelancers.

Communicate directly with candidates through our messaging system to ask questions or negotiate terms. Determine who is your ideal fit.

Once you have made a decision, hire and pay your virtual freelancer directly from our platform. We handle payment administration and even take care of 1099 administration, so you don’t have to.

Let us to handle the hard stuff

If the DIY Option involves more work than you want to do, check out our Recruiter Package!