Hire Quality Talent

We find the
right freelancer
for your job

At ResultsResourcing, we screen for candidates across multiple job boards to curate your custom TalentPool—a group of pre-vetted, interviewed virtual freelancers who are best-matched to your job.

Other job boards may claim a pool of “pre-vetted freelancers,” but they have been screened in general, not with YOUR JOB in mind. Our human recruiters also interview candidates for YOUR JOB too. That’s our (not so) secret sauce

We reduce traditional hiring time to about three weeks. All we need is enough time for the best freelancers to see your job and submit proposals we can vet for you.

When finding the best talent matters.

Right Resource. Right Result.

Let our recruitment team find your best-matched virtual freelancer. It’s an easy three-step process, with success guaranteed.

  • When you need to find the right resource now.

  • When you need a unique set of skills or experience.

  • When you want to scale your business.

  • When you need on-demand, variable cost resources.

  • When you can't afford to fail.

  • When DIY recruiting is a low ROI use of your valuable time

An icon representing a Job Profile web page with a checkmark over top.
  • Sign up for a free consult and we’ll create a highly effective Job Profile together. Or, take our Job Profile survey yourself.
  • Identify your needs—from hard and soft skills to software requirements and budget, and everything in-between.
An icon showing a magnifying glass hovered over one of three freelancers.
  • We search multiple platforms, review hundreds of freelancers and interview top candidates for YOUR JOB.
  • We deliver three pre-vetted candidates who meet your exact requirements.
An icon representing a job profile document of an ideal freelancer.
  • Review our recommendations, along with detailed freelancer profiles and proposals
  • When you’re ready, hire your virtual freelancer directly from our platform
  • Pay your freelancer using our secure online payment system
  • We’ll handle 1099 administration for you

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Select a qualified freelancer from a talent pool we recommend with our Recruiter Package. If you aren’t satisfied with your selection in the first 30 days, choose another!

An illustration of an office scene. Half shows the reality of an entrepreneur trying to hire a freelancer on their own. A question mark is visible on the monitor the entrepreneur is reviewing. A clock shows time passing, an inbox is full, and a sweat droplet comes off their brow. This is juxtaposed with the happy scene of the same entrepreneur looking at a monitor with an image of an ideal freelancer and an empty inbox.
Solving the #1 small business hiring problem

Worth every penny

ResultsResourcing solves the number one small business hiring problem—finding qualified workers. We provide on-demand, specialized virtual expertise to power your business for short-term, long-term, or part-time needs.

With our Recruiter Package – we’ll find best-matched freelancers for you. It's a small investment in comparison to doing it yourself; most business owners would spend more than 11 hours and $1,500 (and that's if they find the right person the first time.)