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What is your Business Persona™?

Business owners and entrepreneurs holding question marks suggesting they are curious about their business persona. 

All entrepreneurs are not identical. We are each driven by unique motivation, goals, and passions.

There is growing research that there are distinct entrepreneurial personalities in fact!

One of ResultsResourcing’s strategic partners, Succeed On Purpose has completed decade-long, intensive research resulting in what they call Business Personas™.

We’ve worked with them to offer you this entrepreneurial assessment tool to help you define YOUR Business Persona™.


As the name suggests, BUILDERS enjoy creating something of value and then building it. BUILDERS making great entrepreneurs and are highly adept at scaling companies.

They like building products, systems, programs, processes and companies that create something new or make something better than it was.

BUILDERS are risk-takers and tend to focus on what is possible, rather than the problem. They love a challenge and appreciate the fast-paced, dynamic environment that scaling companies offers.


The SOLVER persona responds best to freedom and is highly motivated to solve problems. They often seek out problems, just so to find a solution.

SOLVERS make excellent franchise owners, solopreneurs, or microprenuers and may have started their career in professions like consulting, medical, IT, education, or accounting/finance.

SOLVERS make good entrepreneurs, but get very stressed by scaling the business because it’s not as predictable, and building the business infrastructure is not enjoyable, because they prefer problem solving.


Doers are known for getting things done. They love a to-do list and knowing exactly what is expected of them. Typically, Doers avoid change and risk, so they enjoy working in familiar and predictable environments and consequently do not enjoy the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship.

Curious what your Business Persona is?  

We teamed up with Succeed On Purpose to create this Business Persona™ Quiz.

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