Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Elizabeth Eiss. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Elizabeth, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to have you retell us the story behind how you came up with the idea for your business, I think our audience would really enjoy hearing the backstory.
Thank you, I’m so glad to join you! So in a nutshell, we’re talent matchmakers. My company, ResultsResourcing, is THE freelance job platform that comes with YOUR own recruiter. The inspiration was my own need to hire quality freelance talent. In essence, I was my own first client. I was hiring superb freelancers for my consulting projects and my clients kept asking me to find them similar freelancers, as they were rarely successful hiring contractor on a DIY basis themselves. I did this for them and realized along the way, this was an important service that would help businesses grow and scale using flexible talent. This was in 2015-2017, so long before Covid and remote work.
I was solving a problem in a way no one else was solving. The DIY platforms (then and now) don’t offer solopreneurs and small & mid-sized business any human help with contract hiring. I was sure that if I designed and built the technology and workflow right, I could offer high touch human help through a high tech platform, cost effectively. That’s what I did with our team: ResultsResourcing.
Read the full interview here: Canvas Rebel - Meet Elizabeth Eiss